Galleries added!

The other day, I added image and document galleries to the site.  If you look at the top of the page you should see a tab that says “Galleries” — that’s them. If you click there, you will be taken to a page that lists all the galleries on the site. Right now, there is just one for Dad (Delphis Paquette). I uploaded some interesting documents tonight, take a look!

4 thoughts on “Galleries added!

  1. Wow, the documents are cool.. .the first time I ever saw any of them! Thank you!! I tried to add a gallery “old family photos” and I uploaded 23 photos successfully, but I have no idea where they went I can’t see the new gallery or the photos. Three photos didn’t upload error message on one of them: “momsweddingphoto.jpg (Error : Exceed Memory limit. Require : 50.67 MByte)” Help…me…lol…How should we organize them..I didn’t bother too but we probably should as you suggested Jeff. I see there are three people online here as I type… I wonder who they are????

  2. I found the gallery.. I did it.. I am so happy… okay 6 visitors online now… who are you??? lol… we need a list and a way to chat while on this site… JEFF????

    1. Thanks for uploading the pictures!

      I had to add the link to your new gallery to the gallery page by hand. I don’t think there’s an automated way to do that just yet.

      The only people on the site now are you and I, and two guests from Canada.


  3. I tried to upload a couple of photos of Dad (Dephis G. Paquette) to the gallery you created, but I can only access the one I created.

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